- Michael Steele Still Trying To Get Fired, Calls Afghanistan War ‘Cute’ http://ff.im/-nf4a2 #
- The Silly Secret about Chicken McNuggets – Slashfood http://ff.im/-nfJW9 #
- @danielbachhuber Congrats! in reply to danielbachhuber #
- I'm at California Pizza Kitchen (4200 Fairfax Corner West Avenue, Fairfax). http://4sq.com/ccgOgA #
- Seriously Cheap Beer And Other Opportunities To Eat For Nothing http://ff.im/-nna5O #
- Democratic Midterm Strategy: Our Opponents Are Scumbags, Just Sayin’ http://ff.im/-nnaHc #
- Coming Soon To the American Economic Recovery: Alvin Greene Action Figures http://ff.im/-nnaZP #
- Yum, great variety of food. (@ Silver Diner) http://4sq.com/5UrG2t #
- Logging on to onLive. Intresting. I'm not sure why I'd pay a monthly fee and for temp access to games. Why wouldn't I just buy from Steam? #
- 3D TV… What a scam… http://ff.im/-no0ty #
- RT @TechCrunch We Need More Opinions In News, Not Less http://tcrn.ch/c13FRD #
- LoadingReadyRun : Fit to Print http://ff.im/-nqwnb #
- I just started playing Darwinia+. http://ff.im/-nr2EK #
- I unlocked 2 Xbox achievements on Darwinia+! http://ff.im/-nribX #
- I favorited a YouTube video — Firefly Intro… The Awesome Edition http://youtu.be/QuEfGbj9qS4?a #
- Inside New York City’s Last Silent Place http://ff.im/-nsJMX #
- Twitter Forces Media to Confront the Myth of Objectivity http://ff.im/-nsJQC #
- Android Gains Market Share On All Other Smartphone Platforms [REPORT] http://ff.im/-nsKkX #
- Source: MySpace Music considers subscription model | Media Maverick – CNET News http://ff.im/-nsKnG #
- As 'Truth-O-Meter' Spreads, Politicians Wince http://ff.im/-nsLnO #
- Borders Looking To Boost Downloads Of Mobile And Desktop Apps With Free eBooks http://ff.im/-nsLQn #
- Gmail Introduces Rich Text Signatures http://bit.ly/chk5QC #
- Independence day for newspapers http://ff.im/-nsN6c #
- Top Five Tools for Listening on the Social Web http://ff.im/-nsO24 #
- RT @MacDivaONA: 52 tips for using social media more efficiently. Written by @kanter in '09, still relevant now: http://cwu.me/ahwFQ5 #
- I'm at Office of Student Media (4400 University Drive, btw Aquia River Ln & George Mason Blvd, Fairfax). http://4sq.com/bffOPU #
- Twitter Users “More Likely To Get Job Interviews” http://ff.im/-ntapl #
- @dzinermom It is pretty awesome, I can't wait to try it out. in reply to dzinermom #
- Facebook acquires nextstop. It might be lights out for Yelp. http://ff.im/-ntbUb #
- RT @tracytran: Experts Agree: Gen Y Will Not Grow Out of Social Networking [STUDY] http://is.gd/dlI3O #
- @kierduros The more truth checking the better I always say. in reply to kierduros #
- @davesaunders Thanks for the RT of my post. Glad you liked it
- @davesaunders I've yet to see them really use FF's best features though, and I never though FriendFeed would ever be a real threat to anyone in reply to davesaunders #
- @davesaunders
Honestly, I've yet to be convinced that Fb and Twitter compete for users. They don't *really* duplicate functionality in reply to davesaunders #
- RT @MacDivaONA: Here are useful & informative journalism & social media-related links curated for you by me: http://cwu.me/journolinks #
- Via @KevinLoker – Lady Gaga, National Security Threat? http://ff.im/-nthAM #
- @Iron_Spike If I was going to be there I would go, but I'm not. Sorry. Good luck though! #
- @MacDivaONA No problem! You've been in my Delicious network for a while now, so I know the awesome links you put up. in reply to MacDivaONA #
- Hey #collegejourn n #cjchat Does your site run on WordPress? What theme do you use? #
- Short but sweet post by @KevinLoker: "Back to the Future, and The Blind Acceptance of Tweets as Truth" http://ff.im/-ntp1U #
- RT @acarvin: Looking for 1-2 guest speakers for our next DC Media Makers on 7/28 at NPR HQ. Any suggestions? #DCMM #
- Blizzard Changes Its Mind, Real Names Not Required To Post On Forums http://ff.im/-ntrCc #
- @davesaunders Plurk is still around, that one that Google owns is still alive. Very few have disappeared, they just don't have many users in reply to davesaunders #
- Enormously excited for the release of Deus Ex 3. Here's the music from the E3 trailer. ♫ http://blip.fm/~t8yz4 #
- listening to "Michael McCann – DX:HR – http://ff.im/-nttmK #
- 11 great games, DRM free, all for $50. Nifty. http://ff.im/-ntuI7 #
- RT @cyberdad: Last Patch Tuesday for Windows 2000 and Windows XP SP2 http://lazyfeed.com/~LJSz.uF #
- @cyberdad Lol, what are you using MyAnimeList for? #
- Sitting down for two hours of SyFy. #
- I liked Eureka. What did you think? #
- @WorldofDepleted It looks very very interesting. How does one contribute, especially in terms of writing? in reply to WorldofDepleted #
- Woot To The AP: Nice Story About Our Sale — You Now Owe Us $17.50 http://ff.im/-nvCzT #
- How to Run Mac OS X in VirtualBox on Windows [How-to] http://ff.im/-nvCCe #
- News Organizations Must Innovate or Die http://ff.im/-nvD6k #
- 10 Brands That May Disappear in 2011 http://ff.im/-nvEau #
- How your Apple iPhone spies on you http://ff.im/-nvEb1 #
- Blizzard Scraps Plans To Display Real Names In Forums [Blizzard] http://ff.im/-nvEuI #
- Epic Win: To-Do List Lets You Earn XP, Loot http://ff.im/-nvExG #
- I favorited a YouTube video — EpicWin: Pre-Release Trailer http://youtu.be/AmKwF_Si734?a #
- Why You’ll Pay to Watch Ads on the iPhone and iPad http://ff.im/-nvHIp #
- B. of A. says it made deals that hid debt: WSJ http://ff.im/-nvSuj #
- China to Launch National Internet of Things Plan http://ff.im/-nvSwf #
- How ‘Real’ Media Misses the Point In Social Media http://ff.im/-nvSz6 #
- Why is there a line going out the door of the Chopt next door? (@ California Tortilla) http://4sq.com/7ONQIV #
- Jane Harman Doesn’t Know How To Work Her Wireless Router, Which Is Google’s Problem, Apparently http://ff.im/-nvXO2 #
- I'm at Regal Gallery Place Stadium 14 (701 7th St NW, at G St NW, Washington) w/ 6 others. http://4sq.com/8kdpF3 #
- I'm at Busboys & Poets (1025 5th St NW, at K St NW, Washington) w/ 2 others. http://4sq.com/B2pwB #
- @davesaunders the screen? in reply to davesaunders #
- Enjoying my walk through DC today. It is really nice, I almost don't want to get on the train. #
- I've never been to the actual McPherson Square before. It's kind of nice. (@ McPherson Square) http://4sq.com/dlCpNA #
- Hey #collegejourn ! Welcome to #cjchat – Let's stat off by saying hello. How is everyone doing? #
- @newzed I'd say that you don't have to. in reply to newzed #
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